Friday, July 25, 2008

Giles Corey

The gallows takes your breath so quick, a man
has no time to consider it. These stones
work slow to suffocate, to crush my bones.
I’ve time to think on how this all began—
my Martha stood accused of witchcraft. God
forgive me that I thought it true. I lied
unknowing, fatally; I testified
and for my sins, I’m pressed against this sod.

The court will hear no proof of innocence.
Malicious rumor, spectral “evidence”
revealing nothing but a neighbor’s hate.
The cold embrace of stones and suffocation
will leave me only this for consolation:
no more lies will cross these lips. More weight.

Giles Corey

Collection available! Knocking from Inside


Granny Smith said...

A powerful statement about a shameful chapter in our history. One of my favorite alltime plays is "The Crucible."

danni said...

great post!!!

Tumblewords: said...

Powerful, indeed! We are such slow learners...Good post.

Anonymous said...

Your poem may also ask the question: Is it only when faced with death that we can ponder our largest "sins" and responsibility for and to others? A very powerful and sad poem for the insight and suffering it reveals.