Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Stone-iferous Pine"

Hood River is a town whose sloping streets
are steep as roofs. We're resting on the stairs
behind the library. The distant fleet
of parasails, down on the river, flares
and dips, a flock of brightly-feathered swifts.
Today you bask in sun and mild breeze
Hood River, town of waterfront and cliffs,
but you have known the winds that shatter trees
and chose to build your city art from stone.
Beside us, there's a sculpture: twelve-foot cone
of chiseled slabs, evoking palisades
of raw basalt-- or fruit from monstrous pines,
gigantic trees of stone! Or so the sign
reports. It might be dangerous in their shade.

Plein Air, Georgiana Smith Park, Hood River

Collection available! Knocking from Inside

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