Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Catastrophe Fandango

One of the under-discussed aspects of the catastrophic, fucked-up, sheer hozedness of 2020 is the fact that we've run out of language to even describe it.

"Unprecedented" wore out its welcome around the first week of the Trump presidency in early 2017. "Uncharted territory" and "off the map/chart" get thrown around a lot. Pundits keep saying variations on "I've never seen anything like this." I've lost count of how many times I've had to say "We're making this up as we go along."

"Dumpster fire" and "2020 disaster bingo" have been popular, of course, and variations on "train wreck." Even "apocalyptic" got its share of outings. The only one I'm not hearing much is "up shit creek without a paddle" - not strictly work appropriate, of course.

As a professional, I should be able to do better than this.

"We've experienced a collective sanity collapse"
"There was an explosion at the disaster factory"
"Not even abnormal"
"It's so far out of hand, it can't see the elbow"
"We're having a catastrophe fandango"
"The 2020 train is stuck at Calamity Junction"

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