Thursday, March 19, 2020

I hereby resolve

on this first day of spring
That "social distancing" does not mean stay inside at all costs
That even "shelter in place" does not mean that
Nor do "self-isolation" and "quarantine"

I hereby resolve to go out and enjoy the sunshine
To walk around my neighborhood
That if I see someone else on the sidewalk
I will step into the street and avoid them
That I will nonetheless smile and say hello
That petting my neighbor's cat does not endanger them or me
I resolve to walk slower than the person in front of me
And stop every time her old small dog needs to empty its old small bladder

I resolve that social distancing and keeping in touch are mutually compatible
That human contact is more essential than ever
That video calls may be a poor substitute but they are what we have
To mow my lawn and weed the flowerbeds this weekend for sure

I resolve to reach out without touching
To speak without fear of contamination
I resolve to watch woodpeckers run up and down telephone poles
That dogs don't understand why a person wouldn't be friendly
I resolve that many things will be taken from us all
but some things we can choose not to give up.

Available! High-Voltage Lines, Knocking from Inside

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