Friday, October 09, 2009

Woolly Bears

Woolly Bears

This time of year they're slow and plump,
wrapped in plush coats of rust and brown,
burrowed into dead-leaf blankets for warmth.

Soon they'll sleep, and dream of spring air
caressing giant ostrich-plume antennae
and eyed wings dusted with delicate fur.

They sleep. Their bodies dissolve.
They rise from the earth in new forms
condensed entirely from dreams.

Cocooned in chenille sweaters and alpaca wrap
I wonder. What drowsy October dreams
could free my soul to rise on ochre wings?

Read Write Poem: October mini-challenge

Collection available! Knocking from Inside


poefusion said...

nicely done. have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

there used to be a local woman, consulted by the newspapers around this time of year, who predicted winter's snows by counting wooly bears in october. It gives me pleasure to think about