Sunday, December 20, 2009

Illuminations from Inside

So, I've put together a collection of images and image/word combos off this blog, and I'm giving it away. Want a copy? Email me at tielansari AT gmail DOT com.

Note that it's in MS Word format, and the format looks OK to me, but your mileage may vary depending on your version of Word, platform, etc. Also note that the zipped file is over 13 MB, so you may have trouble receiving it if your email has size limits for attachments.

Most of the images are, or are edited versions of, images I got off stock.xchng. There are a few public-domain images from Wikimedia and the NASA photo archives, as well as some I made using Apophysis. But the majority of these images were other people's property originally, and I'm very grateful to them for being willing to share their work. You'll find individual image credits in the file. Please take a minute to check them out.

Sample images below:

Collection available! Knocking from Inside

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