Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Distance Learning

So it's official that school buildings will (almost certainly) be closed through the end of the school year. Instead, we're going to distance learning for the rest of the year.

What does that mean, exactly? We're not sure. Every district is going to have to do the best it can. In my district, we have fairly widespread use of Google suite educational tools, and I expect we'll be making heavy use of those. But there are lots of concerns about families not having access to devices, and/or not having access to bandwidth. Of course these issues align with, and therefore are likely to exacerbate, existing racial and economic inequities. Much as COVID-19 exacerbates underlying health conditions.

Hailstorms rolled across the neighborhood all afternoon, but I haven't heard any thunder.

Available! High-Voltage Lines, Knocking from Inside

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