Saturday, July 18, 2020

John Lewis

Congressman John Lewis passed away.

Most of what should be said, I leave to those who knew him. But this was Congressman Lewis' gift to me, the night President Obama was elected.

Heirloom Diamonds

I'm too young to remember most of that:
the marches, Connor's dogs and Little Rock
the noose, the burning cross, the midnight knock
the woman on the bus who simply sat
and wouldn't move, the brave young volunteers
whose bodies drowned in Mississippi mud.
My right to vote was paid for with their blood,
transformed to treasure by the passing years.

They didn't care how long they had to wait:
the old folks queued to vote. I watched them cry
for joy this time, instead of grief or fears
or bitter anger. We drove back the hate
another step this time: and you and I
inherit diamonds in these old men's tears.

November 4, 2008

Books Available
Country Well-Known as an Old Nightmare's Stable
High-Voltage Lines
Knocking from Inside

1 comment:

Ruth said...

So good.