Friday, March 12, 2021

Workspace Management

The ergonomicist said, your keyboard should be lower down
your monitors higher
and farther from your face
to reduce eyestrain. Daffodils
at eye level. Move your mouse
closer—overreaching is bad
for your trapezius. To help
prevent allergic reactions
dust the agates. Adjust
your headphones and ferns
to fit snugly but not squeeze.

You will spend more than half your waking hours in this space.
It’s important that you’re comfortable.
When you sit, your feet should be flat on the floor and mountains clearly visible.
When you stand, ankle-deep in cold water over hot sand.
Let each keystroke be a hummingbird darting across the yard.
Click mouse button. Wind on your face.
Shift. Somewhere
moonlight opens a silver curtain across a hundred miles of desert.

Books Available
The Day of My First Driving Lesson
Country Well-Known as an Old Nightmare's Stable
High-Voltage Lines
Knocking from Inside

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