Thursday, July 01, 2021

Heat Dome


It whispers. It slithers. It’s a night-flight of bloodsuckers, sudden-death black bats

It scorches. It sizzles. Insinuates drought; it’s a shifter and slider, mercury riding to an all-time high

It’ll burn dust to ashes, crush ashes to dust. Fry a dog on the sidewalk. It’s a stalker that withers the rose on the stalk

You feel the burn and the blister, the gasp of high pressure under a cast-iron pot lid, a Dutch oven stovetop simmer

It’ll dry you and drag you, buckle and crack the road under your feet

It’ll hold you and hurt you, drive red pins and needles under your nails, make you beg for relief

Drives red-and-white flashers seeking the stricken in some hellscape by Bosch

Oh, it’ll stroke you and choke you, this dome on the rock of the Anthropocene Age – it’s a steel-taloned dragon coiled on top of the breathlessly burning sky.


Books Available
The Day of My First Driving Lesson
Country Well-Known as an Old Nightmare's Stable
High-Voltage Lines
Knocking from Inside

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