Saturday, September 11, 2021

Twin Shadows

Twin shadows reach for twenty years of time:
twin shadows that a world watched collapse.
Twin shadows that remind us of a crime.

We saw the bodies fall, the fires climb.
We saw the skyline change, saw in the gap
twin shadows reaching forward into time.

We searched the sky for answers, for a line
of vapor traced against the clouds. We gasped
at shadows that reminded us of crime.

The cooling rubble offered up no signs
of life. We stumbled in the aftermath.
Twin shadows reached across the changing time.

We were defiant. Terrified. Resigned.
We drew new boundaries across our maps.
Who were the shadows we blamed for the crime?

Twin shadows shaped a generation’s minds
to war and retribution. How we grasped
at shadows reaching forward into time
at shadows that reminded us of crime.

Books Available
The Day of My First Driving Lesson
Country Well-Known as an Old Nightmare's Stable
High-Voltage Lines
Knocking from Inside

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