Saturday, June 24, 2023

A Butterfly Conservationist Addresses a Rare Flower Endangered by Wildfire

first line from Maggie Smith, “Goldenrod” : italicized words from prompt


Dear flower: I’m no botanist, my graduate degree

had a focus on entomology, so I’m more likely

to know the name of the bug munching your blossoms

than yours.

Sorry, I can’t meet your expectations

because my life got messy and I didn’t finish

the PhD. Not that it would have helped me

save your name from the fire that’s about to devour

your roots.Your name’s gonna disappear

from history, that’s just how it is. Everyone thinks

they’re an eternal star when they’re just

a glowworm, an ephemeral sequin on the nightgown

of history.

Fame is a poison pill anyway,

don’t you know? They write you up in National Geographic

and next thing you know tourists are everywhere,

unhooking their camera straps like pole dancers

getting ready for a set. Trampling the ground.

Setting wildfires when they toss their cigarettes away

and never notice, half-asleep, tired out by the demands

of ecotourism. Your horoscope predicts oblivion.

Be grateful.

I came with a dull knife, like

a ginseng collector, to show that my intentions are pure

(though probably indecipherable to you),

that I’m not some sap-thirsty cut-stem vegan.

Still, looming over you, I must seem as large

as the moon’s face by day. I swear I’m not the devil

who set this fire that’s throwing gaudy shadows

across the milkweed meadow.

I apologize,

I was really here to try to save the monarch larvae

but there should be balance in everything so

I will collect a few of your seeds before you are ablaze.



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