Sunday, March 27, 2022

On the Proper Uses of Facial Recognition Software

Over there, they are carrying the bodies of dead enemies
in from the battlefield.
They are scanning the faces.
Because the dead should be seen.
Because the dead should be recognized.
Because dead enemies should be forgiven.
They are sending the images home to the mothers
So that the mothers may know to grieve.
So that the mothers will know when and where.
So that the mothers may come to gather up the bodies.
Oh, they are building a database of dead faces
Cross-referenced by date and place.
A digital cemetery. A datawall of the dead.
A faceless enemy can easily be buried in a mass grave and forgotten,
left to decompose.
They have chosen to see the dead enemy. They have chosen to recongize the dead enemy.
They have chosen to see the dead faces.

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